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I am talking to Louise on skype; we’re having a lovely chat about family things and then she says,

“You must be getting very excited … just 3 months to go.”

“What … the wedding? Can’t be.” I count on my fingers and say, “It’s 4 months and 3 weeks away.”

“Yes, but pretend it’s less; then you’ll get everything done.”

She’s smug, is Louise. Her son was married 6 weeks ago and it’s all behind her now. I take a quick breath and say,

“Thanks for the advice.” Then I make ‘must go’ noises and get off the line.

My heart is bleeping away and I can’t sit still to answer my emails. I imagine ADHD kids trying to cope in the classroom without their Ritalin and this is how it must feel. Good grief! And it’s still 4 months and 3 weeks away. How will I manage?